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The Project for Declaration and Examination of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fee

The individuals or companies who are responsible for putting the waste at the site are required to pay for the cost of the cleanup. If the people who caused the contamination cannot be found, then EPA pays for the cleanup. It is paid for by the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Fee, chemical and oil companies have to pay, that is set aside to help clean up the environment. To simplify the process of paying, EPA set up The Applying Program#s Web Site which provides information about characterization and applying tools for the industries or individuals. Up to date, over 1/3 people accomplished the process of applying through the web site successfully. The section of the Web site provides a friendly applying framework, guiding users step by step and saving them a lot of time and labor, and what is more, it provides answers to frequently asked questions.
Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fee,Applying Program s Web Site